Recently, we have been getting so many messages about our amazing Sea Moss products that we thought we should pop the top 3 commonly asked questions all in one place! Of course, if you ever have a burning question or are just curious to learn more please do pop us an email anytime or DM us on Instagram @Royleminerals and a friendly member of our team will get back to you. We also delve into more topics around Sea Moss on our blogs, so make sure to give them a read too!
How often am I meant to be taking Sea Moss products?
Ideally, it's an every day thing! We recommend 1 tablespoon of gel or between 2-4 gummies each day. With both of these you can take them at any time of the day, but the best way to make this a habit is to keep to a specific time every day. Setting a reminder on your phone or popping a post it note on the fridge will help you get that habit kick started! Keeping the Sea Moss goodness constantly in your system will ensure that you get the most out of all the benefits and perform at your best!
Why do I hear that the Sea Moss Gel doesn't taste nice?
It's definitely an acquired taste but not unpleasant! The great thing is that the Sea Moss Gel can so easily be incorporated into so many other recipes (see our previous blogs!) so the taste can be disguised without much effort. If you like anything oceanic in flavour then the taste won't bother you at all! Also, sometimes a little pain is required to make a gain! In this case, the gain to be made here is seeing such a massive improvement in the quality of your every day life, physically and mentally. Even if the taste isn't quite for you, it's nothing that a swish of water won't sort out and the benefits so greatly outweigh a momentary palette tickle! Also, our Sea Moss gummies are a great alternative if you'd rather have a sweet snack with all the same health benefits as the moss. We always hear from our customers that the mint flavour is perfect for a good breath freshen too!
How do I store the Sea Moss Gel and how long does it last?
It's got to be kept refrigerated, very importantly! Your jar should last anywhere from 3-5 weeks depending on how often you are taking it and how big of a spoon you are going for! A really important thing to remember is to use a clean spoon every time you dip into your jar, and never double dip. This is a natural product and you don't want to create a breeding ground for any bacteria. Go for a nice clean spoonful every time, lid back on, straight back into the fridge and job done! If you are freezing your gel, remove it from the glass jar and pop it into a freezable tub. Your moss will last up to 6 months in the freezer. Make sure you thoroughly defrost it before consuming. We recommend buying 2 jars at a time, one to use straight away and one to freeze for later!
@Royle Minerals
Q&A : The Top 3 Common Questions